TOC Public Relations

Law Enforcement | Fire Service | Public Safety

Public Relations, OIS, and Critical Incident Consultation
Public Safety Website Design & Development
Recruiting, Critical Incident, and OIS Photo and Video Services

October 22 – 24, ’24

Palm Springs, California

The Conference for Law Enforcement, Fire, and Public Safety Public Information/Social Media Officers.

When you need to have the edge to get above the noise on social media and traditional TV, radio, and print media, you attend a conference from TOC Public Relations.

The most effective and trusted digital media conference in the public safety arena.







Get Your Tickets Now!


Check back frequently as we add more presenters.

Conference Location & Host Hotel

150 S. Indian Canyon Dr.
Palm Springs, CA 92262
(760) 325-9676

2024 TOC CON Flyer

Looking for a flyer of our conference? Download and share a copy with your friends from TOC Public Relations.

TOC Con 2024 Flyer

Highlights from 2023 TOC Con